Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

6.15.2021 Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Gulmon, City Administrator Crawford and City Attorney Martineck.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

No Changes

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the June 1st meetings seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approve Block off Street Request Along 4th Ave SW from 4th St. to 6th St. SW for On the Move Let’s Walk Valley City Event held on July 19th, 2021 from 5PM to 8 PM.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to close the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

public hearing

Public Hearing to Consider Development Plan and Developer’s Agreement for Valley Plains Equipment (Nextera Properties).

City Attorney Martineck stated the purpose is to discuss the Developer’s Agreement and Development Plan for Valley Plains.  Essentially the Commission has to find that this is in the best interest for the City, mark this as appropriate for development and a TIF.  The total value of the project with the land and the building will be $4.5 million.  We would need $57,000/year from the TIF to repay our $500,000 to the BND at 2% over 10 years.  The anticipated revenue from that property based on that value would be almost $62,000.

Finance Director Richter stated she has not received a building value and was hoping Aaron could fill us in. 

Aaron Raap stated he is trying to guesstimate on what was spent on the building in Jamestown and what that’s valued at and doing a comparison in size.  One of the things we need to consider too is the issues we are having getting building materials so not sure if it will be enclosed this fall.  The plan is to get the site work, foundation and hope that the steel shows up but no one can tell me when that will be coming in. From a timing standpoint on the TIF we thought we should bring that up.  The $4.5 million is a conservative estimate.  I expect it to be even more than that.

Tracey Eslinger stated we are hearing there are delays in receiving some of the materials but it may be taken care of by the time this is all ready.  We are hoping to have everything ready and reviewed by July with bidding possibly taking place end of July early August giving the contractor an opportunity to start this year and get services tied in for at least the water and sewer.  If the project doesn’t need actual services until 2022, there would be an opportunity to do that work in 2022.  Tracey also recommended to not limit the TIF.  Any increase in the TIF will pay off the loan quicker.

President Carlsrud declared public hearing open.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve Resolution 2303, a Resolution Approving Developer’s Agreement and TIF for Valley Plains Equipment (Nextera Properties).

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.


Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1083, an Ordinance Approving the Annexation of Lot 2 Block 1 of Love’s Valley Addition.

City Attorney Martineck stated no change from the first reading.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

Approve Second and Final reading of Ordinance 1084, an Ordinance to Adopt and Enact section 12-01-11 of the Valley City Municipal Code re littering. 

City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading. 

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried.

Approve Second Reading of Ordinance 1085, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 08-07 and Section 11-05-11 and to repeal Title 13 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Mobile Park Regulations.

City Attorney Martineck stated as of right now there are no changes from the first reading but I did want to address the materials section 8-07-02.  I was asked whether we should make changes to that section.  The concern was about having a recreational vehicle or trailer in the front yard as long as it’s not impeding a line of site or blocking a sidewalk.  

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1086, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 2 of Section 15-01-19 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Responsibility for Utility Service Lines.

City Attorney Martineck stated the intent is to make clear who owns the underground infrastructure.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried.


Approve Resolution 2301, a Resolution Creating Consolidated Sewer & Water District No. 59 (Nextera). 

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried.

Approve Resolution 2302, a Resolution Providing for the Issuance of City Sales Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2021, for the local share of Permanent Flood Protection.

Finance Director Richter stated back in December 2019 we asked for a loan for the local share for PFP from the State Water Commission and were approved for $3,676,600.  We need to close on this loan and take a draw. 

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

Approve Resolution 2297, a Resolution Approving a Petition to Vacatate 15th Ave NE adjacent to Lots 4 & 5 of Block 1 of the Northern Pacific East Fourth.

City Attorney Martineck stated the Planning and Zoning Commission received a petition for the vacation.  The property owners have reached an agreement to maintain that as a private road.  The Planning and Zoning recommends approval. 

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

New Business

Approve to Submit Application to the Bank of ND for loan for Fire Hall Addition.

Finance Director Richter stated in May we submitted an application for a loan to the Rural Development Corporation and received approval for a $300,000 loan 2% 10 year loan with 1% origination fee.  The 2021 legislation has broadened the infrastructure loan fund to the BND and it now included buildings.  It is still  2% and we don’t have a maximum.  I recommend we apply for a $500,000 loan for the fire hall addition and ask for a 20 year loan.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve Appointment for the Following Committees and Terms:

            a. Planning & Zoning Commission-1 opening, 5 year term

  • Bobby Koepplin

            b. Renaissance Zone Board-4 openings, 3 year term

  • Tyler Marthaler
  • Shannon Little Dog
  • John Paul (JP) Jones
  • Jeff Nathan

c. Special Assessment Commission-1opening, 6 year term

  • Jim Knutson

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve Quotes for Mill and Overlay on 2nd Ave SE.

Chad Petersen stated we received quotes from Border States and Strata.  The engineer estimate was $70,112.50. Strata came in at $83,995 and $76,700, we recommend awarding the bid contract to Border States.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried

Approve Ending COVID 19 Emergency Resolution.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford stated there is a lot of different pieces to the budget being discussed.  We are also working through the policy manual so if there are any changes you would like to see send those in.  The cleanup property has been a big learning curve for everyone because we are doing things the right way.  We can tell word is getting out because people are coming to us and asking questions.

City Updates & Commission Reports

Finance Director Richter thanked those that volunteer their time for the various committees.  It takes time out of their days and we appreciate it.  The budget worksheets have been sent to the department heads. 

PW Manager Jacobson reported the end of the second year of the recycling, the contract says he had to do 800 tons worth, we’re at 1266 tons.  The garbage that we run to Fargo is slowly declining.   

Chad Petersen from KLJ reported the 7th Ave 2nd Ave projects.  The 7th Ave project by Pucklich they got the curb and gutter in this week south of Main Street and worked on some of the sidewalk work.  Next week they are supposed to do the curb and gutter on 2nd Ave NE.  Once that is done and cleared out they should do the paving on 7th Ave including intersection of Main St. and 2nd Ave.  As long as nothing happens we should have pavement back in place on Main Street before July 4th.  After that time frame 2nd Ave should be pretty wrapped up other than the driveways and sidewalk work in that area and then we’ll start Phase II.  Streetscape we have been working with the contractor on getting things prepared for Rally in the Valley.

Commissioner Magnuson reminded everyone of Rally in the Valley and the Fireman’s Dedication.

President Carlsrud advised everyone to be safe in the heat.  Cleaning up properties is important.  Please think before you throw stuff and dispose of it properly.  Business’ dumpsters are private.  They are rented and are to be used for that business only, it is a misdemeanor.  I encourage you to take part in our committees.  It is rewarding.  Chris Berg from KVLY including Valley City in the Small Town Spotlight. 


Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 P.M.

7.4.2021 Mayor’s Message


  • Hopefully you all have had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend.
  • Thank fully mosquitoes have been few in most places this year.  Please drain puddles & empty containers holding water (maybe behind the garage?) to keep the numbers low.
  • Check your TREES!  Many Birch Trees are stressing … try water and many Maple Trees have Chlorosis.  Please help them.
  • A few people have asked about the aerobatic performances taking place north of town.  We are one of only two North Dakota communities to have an “Aerobatic Box” where these performances can be seen.  An Aerobatic Box is 2.5 miles wide & deep with a 10,000-foot ceiling north of our airport.  Recently Aerobatic Competency Examiners, “ACE Pilots”, from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) were here to certify aerobatic performance these pilots can perform.  Specific performances are certified for this year’s air shows around the country.  The two planes we see are the only ones in the nation, at this point, having jet engines in addition to the prop engines.  We are of the very few who can see such planes and performances from our own homes.  Enjoy them.
  • I hope you folks have seen the wonderful projects our Beautification Committee has been doing around town.  Thank you to all who have contributed to further beautifying Valley City.  There are opportunities for you to help too; contact Sharon at (701)840.0973.
  • There is new lighting on the City Park Footbridge.  Thank you to our Electrical Department. 
  • July 12th @ 5:00 PM Magician Jonathan May performs at the Barnes County Library.
  • August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”.  For details see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Join hands instead of pointing fingers”                                                 (Larry Robinson) Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray,


Agenda Available

7.6.2021 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 5:00 PM CT, via Zoom.

Members of the public may view the meeting online https://zoom.us/j/96670258304 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 966 7025 8304

Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the Commission Minutes from June 15th and June 28th Meetings.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of  $         
  3. Approve Block off Street Request for the following:
    • VCBCDC on Central Avenue from Wells Fargo to Valley Service and alleyways by the Vault and Nucara for Summer Nights on Central on August 12, 2021 and August 18th, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
    • Chamber of Commerce for Crazy Daze on July 28th from 7 AM to 5 PM.
    • Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation from Central Ave from 2nd Street to 4th Street including side streets and alleyways for the Longest Table on August 5, 2021 from 6 AM to 10 PM.

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


            1.  Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 1086, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Subsection 2          of Section 15-01-19 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Responsibility for Utility Service Lines.  (City Attorney           Martineck)

     Roll Call:          Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

     2. Approve Third and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 1085, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 08-07 and Section 11-05-11 and to repeal Title 13 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Mobile Park Regulations.  (City Attorney Martineck)

     Roll Call:          Magnuson        Erickson         Gulmon           Bishop             Carlsrud

3.  Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1087, an Oridinance to Amend and Reenact Section 14-12-02 of the Valley City Municipal Code Relating to Permits for Vehicles of Excessive Size and Weight.

     Roll Call:          Bishop             Magnuson        Erickson         Gulmon           Carlsrud


New Business

1. Approve Site Authorization Renewal for the North Dakota Winter Show from 7/1/2021 to 6/30/22.  (Finance Director Richter)

          Roll Call:     Bishop            Gulmon           Erickson         Magnuson        Carlsrud

2.  Approve Adding the $458,305.73 Refund from MRES to the 2021 Capital Budget for the new Public Works Service Center.  (City Administrator Crawford)

                 Roll Call:          Magnuson       Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson         Carlsrud

3.  Approve Request from VCBCDC for $150,000 to support a business retention/expansion project.  (Finance Director Richter)

            Roll Call:          Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

4.  Approve using Covid Cares Funds for Speakers from Main St. to 4th St. N.  (City Administrator Crawford)

            Roll Call:          Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

Agenda Available

7.6.2021 Finance Agenda

 The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 2:30 PM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. 

Members of the public may view the meeting online https://zoom.us/j/93612682161 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 936 1268 2161

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1.  Commission Topics

            a.Discuss Energy, Green & Base Load.  (President Carlsrud)

2. Department reports.

3. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)

4.  Updated Information about Nextera.  (City Administrator Crawford)

5.  Quarterly Engineering Contract Fee Review.  (City Administrator Crawford)

6.  Discuss Reserving the $458,305.73 Refund from MRES for the New Public Works Service Center.  (City Administrator Crawford)

7.  Discuss Speakers for Central Ave. from Main Street to 4th Street North.  (City Administrator Crawford)

8.  Discuss Downtown Substation Upgrade.  (Electrical Superintendent Senf)

9.  Discuss Appointments to Planning and Zoning Commission.  (City Attorney Martineck)

10. Year to Date Report of Fire Extinguisher business.  (Fire Chief Magnuson)

11.  Possible PFP Property Buyout.  (City Administrator Crawford)

12.  Leevers’ Parking Lot Restoration with 2023 Project.  (City Administrator Crawford)


6.28.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • I hope this time is finding you and your families well.
  • The Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence July 4th 1776.  Since then, the 4th of July has been the day we celebrate the success of the American Revolution.  Thank you to those leaders for freedom.
  • The 4th of July is at hand and fireworks can be very dangerous should one have a lack of concentration.  If your fireworks show is near people or around our very dry ground that could ignite, please be extra careful during these times.
  • So far our water treatment plant is keeping up with water demands during this time of drought.  Wade & Sherry at the water plant urge us to be prudent with our water use to avoid restrictions down the road.
  • Similarly, our municipal power is doing fine to date in spite of the hotter weather too.  Please keep in mind you can help if you can minimize your electrical consumption from 7-8 AM, noon – 1:00 PM and 5-6:00 PM.  By minimizing use during those times, we have a better chance of avoiding demand charges costing all of us more money.
  • I have been noticing the beautiful tree foliage around town even though we are dry.  Take good care of your trees, water pruning, etc., as they need maintenance to be healthy. 
  • If you are seeing normally green leaves yellowing on your trees, it could be chlorosis.  Please contact our Barnes County Extension Office for help, 845-8528.
  • August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”.  For details see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/
  • Thank you to this week’s contributorsJ
  • “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right”                  (Peter Marshall)                                                                        Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray,


Agenda Available

6.28.2021 Special Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Monday, June 28th, 2021 at 8:15 AM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online https://zoom.us/j/96369581680 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  963 6958 1680

Call To Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance (Please Stand)

New Business

  1.  Approve Raffle Permit for the Sheyenne River Valley National Scenic Byway Foundation.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call           Magnuson        Gulmon           Erickson          Bishop             Carlsrud

2.  Consider Possible Burn Ban/Fireworks Options.  (President Carlsrud)

Roll Call           Bishop             Magnuson        Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

3.  Approve Third and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 1085, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 08-07 and Section 11-05-11 and to repeal Title 13 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Mobile Park Regulations.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call           Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Gulmon           Carlsrud


Construction Notice-Main Street and Central Avenue

Construction Notice – Main Street and Central Avenue

The southbound parking lane on Central Avenue will be closed from Main Street to 4th Street SW beginning Monday June 28, 2021 for construction operations. The roadway will remain open to traffic. Parking will be permitted on the east side of the road. Sidewalks on the west side of the road will be closed. Pedestrian traffic will be routed through sidewalk detours utilizing temporary ramps and crossings.

The parking lane closure for westbound traffic on Main Street will continue to be in place. Pedestrians are to continue using the dedicated detours through the channelizing devices.

Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980.

Construction Notice-7th Ave West

Construction Notice – 7th Avenue West
Starting June 22nd, 2021, the intersection of Main Street West and 7th Avenue West will be closed through June 23rd to June 24th, 2021 for paving operations. A detour route will be in effect for the Main Street closure. The detour route will run from 9th Avenue Northwest to 2nd Street Northwest then back to Main Street via 5th Avenue Northwest.
Following completion of paving operations on Main Street West, 7th Avenue Northwest will be closed from Main Street West to 4th Street Northwest, and 4th Street Northwest will also be closed from 8th Avenue Northwest to 7th Avenue Northwest. This closure for Phase 2 of construction is anticipated to continue through the end of July. A detour route will not be provided for this phase of the project.
Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980.

6.20.2021 Mayor’s Message

You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Hey Everybody,

  • What a beautiful day and great crowd were afforded us for Rally in the Valley.  Thank you to all the folks who facilitated the wonderful community event for all to enjoy.
  • The Fire Department had a touching, well done Memorial Dedication with a flyover as a part of the Rally.  Thank you to all the firefighters who participated in fundraising and construction to make it happen.  Stop by and see the beautiful display on the east side of the Fire Hall.
  • A reminder.  Many business owners rent dumpsters for their businesses.  Please know the dumpsters are for private, NOT public use.  This is an ordinance violation and can result in penalties.  Please respect the rights of the people paying the rent.  Thank you
  • Thank you to Chris Berg and Anna Johnson from KVLY for including Valley City in the “Small Town Spotlight” this week.  We were allowed to promote our beautiful town.
  • The other day I went to a business that furnished bite-size candy treats.  When I left, there was an empty wrapper lying just outside the door! Let’s do like our Mom’s told us to do, dispose of garbage (cigarette wrappers too) appropriately.  Try carrying a small garbage bag or box in your vehicle; it is pretty unobtrusive.  “Please think before you toss” thank you again.
  • Perhaps you noticed a great number of young people applying mulch and working with new plantings around town.  Thank you to our Beautification Committee and youth from the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS for all your work.  It looks GREAT!!  There were more than 270 young women attending the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Conference at VCSU.  Thank you for choosing Valley City and I hope you will visit us again.
  • August 5th, be watching for “The Longest Table”.  For details see: http://www.vclongesttable.org/
  • * * Thank you to this week’s contributors
  • “Always be a little kinder than necessary.”                                                 (James M. Barrie) Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray,


Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

6.1.2021 Commission Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon, City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Removal of R1

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the May 18th meeting seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $1,297,026.82               

C.  Approve Block off the Street Request for City Lights Wiffle Ball World Series from 5 PM-12 AM on July 24th, 2021 for Elm St. to Parking Lot of City Lights.

D. Approve Raffle Permit for SHINE.

E.  Approve 2021-2022 Renewal of Retail Tobacco Licenses for the following businesses:

      a. CHS Inc.

      b. Family Dollar Inc.

      c. Farmers Union Oil, Petro Serve

      d. County Bottle Shop Inc. dba The Liquor Locker

      e. Leevers Foods, Inc. at 148 South Central Ave.

      f. Leevers Foods, Inc. at 424 2nd Ave NE

      g. Casey’s

      h. And all licenses received before June 30 at 12 Noon

F.  Approve Renewal of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses for the following businesses:

      a. Brockopp Brewing, LLC

      b. Jimmy’s Pizza

      c. The Clubhouse Lounge, LLC

      d. Chinese Palace

      e. Hi-Line Hospitality, LLC

      f. Captains Pub

      g. Bridges Bar and Grill

      h. The Liquor Locker

      i. And all licenses before June 28 at 12 noon

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.


Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1080, an Ordinance Rezoning the Undeveloped Land Located West of 8th Ave SE and South of 10th St SW West of Waterfront Meadows Addition.

City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1081, an Ordinance Relating to the Annexation of territory-Meadow View.

City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

            Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 1082, an Ordinance approving Hidden     Ponds Estates Planned Unit Development.

            City Attorney Martineck stated no changes from the first reading.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.

Roll Call:  Magnuson-aye         Bishop-aye       Gulmon-aye     Erickson-nay    Carlsrud-aye

Motion carried.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1083, an Ordinance Approving the Annexation of Lot 2 Block 1 of Loves Valley Addition.

City Attorney Martineck state the original Love’s annexation was in 2019.  After that was approved Loves acquired an additional parcel in the NW portion.  They have petitioned for that to be annexed in.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1084, an Ordinance to Adopt and Enact section 12-01-11 of the Valley City Municipal Code re littering.

City Attorney Martineck stated we were getting several complaints about littering around town.  We do have a provision for littering in streets but nothing for public or private property.  This ordinance will make it an offense.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1085, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 08-07 and Section 11-05-11 and to repeal Title 13 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Mobile Park Regulations.

City Attorney Martineck stated we haven’t really did any amendments to this ordinance since 1959.  City Attorney Martineck stated he made changes to align better with the State and also to make it easier to enforce.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.


            Approve Resolution 2299, a Resolution Approving the Plat and Variance request of             undeveloped             land located west of 8th Ave SE and south of 10th St SE, west of Waterfront   Meadows Addition.

            City Attorney Martineck stated the Planning and Zoning is recommending approval with the        several conditions and variance to the sidewalks.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

New Business

            Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for The Labor Club at the Labor Club       South Lot June 19th from 7 PM to 2 AM for the Rally in the Valley Parking Lot Dance.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

            Approve Site Authorizations Renewals for Eagles Aerie at the Eagles Aerie, Captains Pub,   Labor Club, My Bar, City Lights and Tavern 94 from 7/1/2021 through 6/30/2021.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

            Approve Preliminary & Design Engineering Task Order for Project No. SU-2-990(061),       OCN             23233-12th St N (9th Ave NW to 5th Ave NE) and 8th Ave SW/Winter Show Rd (Mill   & Overlay and Turn Lanes).

            Chad Petersen from KLJ stated this was discussed at the last meeting and approved programming this project for the February 12th, 2022 DOT bid opening.  This is to complete the preliminary           environmental documentation to meet DOT requirements as well as the plan development.

            Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.

Roll Call:  Gulmon-aye    Erickson-nay   Magnuson-aye       Bishop-aye     Carlsrud-aye

            Motion carried.

City Administrators Report

            City Administrator Crawford asked Tracey Eslinger from Moore engineering to provide an update on the Nextera Subdivision property.

Tracey stated they are preparing the profile sheets for the sewer and water extensions.  They are anticipating having their plans wrapped up by the July timeframe. There may have been some discussion of having the bid later.  There could be two options, bid this year and give the contractor the option of installing it this year or waiting until next year.  Or bid it in the winter time of next year and have the project done early in the spring or summer.

City Administrator Crawford provided an update on cold storage.  July 2nd was supposed to be the closing date but we need the preliminary plat before the Title Company can do anything.  June 8th is the State Water Commission so we will be in that meeting to find out if we get the 80% for the building.

Clean-up week, kudos to all the crews that helped.  There are some things that need to be tweaked for next year and we will be working on that.  All the Sanitation positions are filled as of today.

The electrical boxes on Central have been wrapped.  They will have another opportunity to do the ones on Main.

Lots of ordinance changes will be taking place due to the legislative stuff being finished and just clean-up.

Thanks to all the crew that has been involved with addressing the “junk” issues.  There are people near those areas that appreciate it.  We are not picking on any areas, it takes time and all areas will be addressed.

City Attorney Martineck stated the State Legislature made a lot of changes.  A lot of time the city ordinances mirror the state so we will be making some changes.  We’re also finding a lot of the ordinances haven’t been changed in decades so we will be working on bringing those up to date.

Finance Director Richter encouraged people to volunteer for the RZ Board.

City Assessor Hansen stated she attended the County Equalization meeting in case there were any changes or protests, there were none.  She will attend the August 10th meeting and expect the same results.

Fire Chief Magnuson stated it is dryer than what you think so just watch and have water nearby if you decide to have a campfire.  June 19th is the dedication to our honorary members. 

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated we are seeing a lot of progress in the last week or so on the Main Street Streetscape project.  The concrete contractor will be in town tomorrow to pour for the ADA ramps and intersections and the sidewalks will follow after that.  The utility work on 7th Ave from 2nd St SW to 2nd ST NW is complete.  They anticipate that the curb and gutter will be coming in late this week or early next week.  2nd Ave sanitary sewer is complete and the water main is about half way up to 6th and 7th so they’ll be getting ready to work on the grading work.

Commissioner Gulmon gave a shout out to the kids that did the artwork on the electrical boxes.

Commissioner Erickson gave a shout out to the city crews for a good job last week.  We pulled in a 164 tons of garbage and just shy of 78 tons of inert.

Commissioner Magnuson stated it is getting nice out so get out and use the community.  We have some exciting things coming up.  Apologize for the construction but progress takes pain once in a while.  Shout out to the city crews for the hard work this last week.  Take care of your properties, your neighbors depend on you to do so.  Thank you to Gwen for coordinating with the schools to do the electrical boxes.

Mayor Carlsrud gave a shout out to the employees, the construction also creates challenges for them to do their regular duties.  Keep in mind people are working hard all over the city to get construction done for you.  Be safe.  We had to order more stop signs because people were going through construction zones to fast.  Please do not look at your phones while driving.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:34 P.M.