6.5.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • Last Friday “Back to the Future VC-2043”, a production written & directed by Carol Foth and Collette Jensen was presented.  Sue and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the very talented young folks.  The story is a young Mom brought her family to show off her “home town” providing information and humor throughout the play.  Wes Anderson and I each had the pleasure of investing some time with the young cast and crew during rehearsals and the production.  Congratulations on a great show and thank you for welcoming and allowing us to be part of your cast ….. “That’s livin’ in Valley City for ya!”
  • June 5th Automated Garbage Collection begins for Valley City residential areas (Please read the packet of information attached to the container left at your address).  A few things, containers are to be out by 7:00 AM, the lid MUST CLOSE, there needs to be 3 feet of clearance around the container and it must face the road (wheels toward your house).  * Your old garbage cans can be taken to the Transfer Station at no charge.
  • The Soap Box Derby brought a nice crowd of people to town Saturday.  The young drivers all seemed to have a blast while parents were working like crazy in the pits making adjustments, switching wheels and the like.  Thank you for being here everyone.
  • “NBA Mind Health” is a new program available to all who want help to comfort behavioral health challenges.  If something is bothering you, please know there are places where you can find help.  Take a moment and visit the website. https://mindhealth.nba.com/, “Be good to yourself” and “Be Good to each other”.
  • Valley City is a Municipal Power Community and nearly 90% of our power is carbon free.  Our power in April was “on” 99.99998% of the time
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                    
  • Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”    ~ Shutterstock                          

                                                                                                                                                                       Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.