5.15.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everyone,

  • YOUR HELP IS NEEDED as sewer backup has occurred in some Valley City homes.  Our Master Lift Station normally pumps about 700,000 gallons of waste daily, but during these times of significant rain events, gallons have been as high as 2.5 MILLION!!  WE can all help:  1. Conserve water by flushing toilets only when necessary, wash clothes in between water usage peak times, avoid breakfast, lunch and dinner times.  2.  THIS IS IMPORTANT, discharge your sump pump outside to the storm sewer instead of the sanitary sewer in your basement.
  • With some sunshine and pleasant temperatures, seeing families out walking, playing Wiffle Ball, biking etc. was enjoyable.  Oh yah, there was some yard work in progress too … not as fun as the aforementioned!
  • Because the river is so high, the gates on storm sewers are closed to stop backup.  Pumps are pumping the water over the dikes though pumps aren’t as fast as our storm sewer system so I ask for your patience as our City Crews are monitoring pumps 24-7.  Thank you.
  • I am to respect and be kind to people who are different than me.
  • Last week a few of our City Staff attended the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Annual Meeting.  There were numerous presentations regarding where we are in the world of energy and where we are going.  It was a great opportunity for networking as well and I found the event to be very educational. 
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Success is personal, so stop comparing your apples to their oranges.”           (Yohance Salimu)                                                                                                                                                                  Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


5.8.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • Thank you to all for helping with the flood and kudos to Valley City Citizens for dedicating a portion of sales tax dollars for permanent flood protection.  Without it, along with the legislature and SWC, Valley City could have looked like the war zone we had in 2009, 2010 and 2011!
  • A positive from the flood battle was people working together for the good of all.  With so many divisive issues in our lives, seeing people coming together is gratifying; “come together, the answer is usually somewhere in the middle”.
  • May 2-6 was Teacher Appreciation Week and Wednesday VCPS had a nice gathering at the HAC recognizing teachers along with a number of individual awards.  Thank a teacher, as her/his passion to educate our youth is critical for our nation’s future.
  • With rains over the weekend, please make sure your sump pumps are discharging outside to lessen the load on the sanitary sewer
  • This spring’s “clean-up week” will be June 6-11. Please check the City Website and Facebook Page for details.
  • May 15th annually is Peace Officers’ Memorial Day.  Please pray for families of the deceased and disabled.
  • The City Transfer Station is open Saturdays from 8-noon.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Some things you can give away and still keep are your word, a smile and a grateful heart.”                                                                                         (Zig Ziglar)                                                                                                                                                                                  Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


5.1.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • This has been a long week for so many people preparing our city to make this flood a non-issue for most citizens.  The flood is far-reaching however as rural residents along the river have suffered damages and losses we have been spared.
  • Once our dikes and permanent flood protection (PFP) were in place there were a few days of lower stress.  Then more rain came and we were inundated with water on the “dry side” of the dikes requiring pumping said water over the dike.  Volumes of water came quickly and while using all our pumps, they couldn’t keep up.  Our team was able to secure pumps from around the area extending from Bismarck to Fargo to Orwell Dam in order to catch up.  Great job team.
  • We are very Blessed having talented people on our team and city staff providing timely preparation averting flooding.  Another part of the team is our City Engineers providing history, technical information and guidance.  Comprising a third leg of our team is the Corps of Engineers (USACE).  There are Hydraulic Specialists from Valley City, Grand Forks area, St. Paul and Mississippi.  We had special visits from Major General Diana Holland from Mississippi and Colonel Karl Jansen from St. Paul. 
  • Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney arranged for us to get filled sandbags and even visited to see how we were doing.
  • THANK YOU to all you who have been volunteering.  Whether you placed sandbags, answered phones, installed walls or food and drink.
  • With all that has happened and what could have happened, we have been Blessed.
  • This spring’s “clean-up week” will be June 6-11. Please check the City Website and Facebook Page for details.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “A flower doesn’t compare itself to the flower next to it; it just blooms                  (Anonymous)                                                                                                                         Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


4.24.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • Last week an extreme overnight rain created our current flood event.  The flood forecast changed 3-4 feet from Friday evening to Saturday morning, basically creating a “flash flood”.  The City Crews are placing floodwalls, clay and sandbags to protect us (Thank you).  The runoff has been significant and pumps are slowly catching up.  At this time, the river should crest later in the week.
  • We are extremely grateful to the folks, many of whom are from VCSU, who volunteered help with sandbags and other assorted tasks.  Thank you.
  • Last Thursday VCSU, Valley City and the state of North Dakota celebrated the beautiful new Center for the Arts building with a Ribbon Cutting.  Many people from here and around the state attended.  It is a state of the art facility about which all can be proud.  Call VCSU for information concerning a tour, concert or recital.  Congratulations to all who contributed to the event and the building project.
  • The Sixth Street NW road repair project from Central Avenue west to 5th Avenue will likely begin this week.  Some of the preparatory work will include signage placement, laying the temporary water lines along the excavation area and lines to houses.  The construction crews will do their best to inform residents when work will affect their residences.
  • Fighting a “flash flood” is a whole different ballgame than when it is a snowmelt and there is time to prepare.  Our City Staff is doing a great job, thank you again!
  • This spring’s “clean-up week” will be June 6-11. Please check the City Website and Face Book Page for details.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “When others are lost, dare to help them find the way                                                 (Roy T. Bennett)                                                                                                                     Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


4.17.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • This spring’s “clean-up week” will be June 6-11. Please check the City Website and Face Book Page for details.
  • This week, April 17-23, is National Volunteer Week; “Volunteering Is Empathy In Action”.  There are many opportunities for volunteering at churches, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes to name a few; “helping” is rewarding.  There are volunteering opportunities to fit most everyone. 
  • There are job opportunities in Valley City too, check at the Rosebud Center for details.
  • For those of you who celebrated holidays over the weekend, I hope the spirit of your holiday was met and your families grew closer.   John 3:16.
  • Pray for the suffering people under siege near and far.
  • National Small Business Week will be May 2-5.  Many small businesses are locally owned and owners are people we know and who care about our community.  Successful small businesses generate sales tax dollars in our communities helping fund our city services.  Shop at your local small businesses first, you may find it invigorating.  For further information see: https://www.sba.gov/national-small-business-week
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever                           (Walt Disney)                                                                                                                     Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


4.10.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • The Valley City Hi-Liner Speech Team is the 2022 NDHSAA State Champion.  Congratulations to all team members and coaches.  Enjoy your journey of excellence.
  • First graders and third graders at Jefferson School participated in City Government Week with a coloring contest and an essay contest respectively.  Thank you to all who competed.  Charlotte Sather won the coloring contest and Sullivan Peterson won the “Mayor for a Day” essay contest.
  • Cyber security; be aware of phishing scams.  If there is something unusual, even when the sender’s name appears to be someone you know, click on the name to check the address.  Some of those scams begin with “I need a favor” or the like. 
  • From CCHD, a 4th COVID-19 Vaccination is available at numerous locations.
  • The Sheyenne Valley Area Career and Technical Center Graphic Communications Class has loaned the city eleven framed photographs for the Commission Chambers.  If you stop in and the room is available, please look as they do nice work.  Thank you, we are grateful for the “loan”.
  • Please clean your garbage pickup area and “contain” your garbage.  Cans are best as plastic garbage bags are being torn open, by “critters”.  If you use plastic bags, try to put them out on your garbage day to minimize the time they are exposed.  Your sanitation crews are not required to pick up your loose garbage.
  • Last Wednesday morning the first “Coffee With the Cops” was held with a nice attendance.  Join us at the next one.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “Asking for help is an example of humility, not a cause for humiliation                           (Anonymous)                                                                                                                          Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


3.13.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  •  Finally!!  It appears we will be Blessed with better weather for an extended period of time. There is getting to be less and less ice out there making walking and enjoying the good air more appealing.  Mayo Clinic information says, “Exercise and physical activity are great ways to feel better, boost health and have fun”.  See more at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389
  • The other day while driving, a Bald Eagle was flying low along I-29 close enough for me to see its eyes.  They are beautiful and majestic, what a treat.
  • Thank you to all the folks who worked to make the North Dakota Winter Show (NDWS) a great event again this year.  There was a plethora of vendors and attendance was terrific.  I hope you were able to be there and enjoy. The “Petting Zoo” was a popular place; the youngsters seemed to be happy and smiling. Sue and I always enjoy attending “Cowboy Church” as it’s a great worship option.  Kudos to the NDWS Board of Directors, Manager Brandee Moore and all the staff for facilitating this year’s show.
  • “Kids Playing”.  With nicer weather there will be more “Munchkins” out playing, please be careful when you are out driving.
  • Our street crews are hauling snow and widening driving lanes to make driving easier, please take an alternate route from where they are working for your safety and theirs.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.”                                          (Quotes Gram)                                                                                                                                      Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,
