06/15/2020 Mayor’s Message


  • Recently the Corona Virus positives were being identified at a rate of 22 – 42 per day. Due to Blessings and a good job of social distancing, Barnes County is still holding at nine positives so keep up your good efforts.
  • Saturday I had the honor of watching Captain Matt Nielson’s Guard Retirement Ceremony on Zoom. It was a heart-warming time with family, friends, and a number of fellow guard members. Family support is essential for a member of a household to serve. That said, congratulations Annette, Matt and family for your many years of service and support to our country.
  • Thank you for investing in Valley City.
  • City Hall’s doors will be open beginning Monday though social distancing will be required. Please do as much as of your business as you can through phone, e-mail, direct pay and the like.
  • We have had a great number of Dutch Elm Diseased trees this year.  Please remove them as soon as you are able to slow the spread.  Thank you for your efforts everyone.
  • City Crews and construction crews are working diligently in our community.  Please be alert and be careful when you are driving.
  • “There are moments in life when you miss some people so much that you want to pick them from your dreams and HUG them for real.” (Charlie Brown)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.